Just leave me as you found me
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
´Member Batemans Business Card Scene? ´Member the passion for design you had just after you graduated, early/mid twenties, when you thought you could change the world with strong concepts, typography from the angels and mocking around with moodboard layout for 20 hours solid.
I really cant remember the actual time I changed from an artist to a cynical businessman. Is this a natural progress? Do I really want to be an artist, or do I want to make shitloads of cash making sites for polluting cars and superexpensive clothes, made by children in China, so I can finally buy myself a Boffi kitchen. Mum??
Raised lettering, pale nimbus....ahhhh...»
Super Hoover ads »
Florencia Mazza's duotone sexiness »
Oh, yeah - if anybody going to OFFF (7-11 May) living in Lisbon, Id love to hear from you. Where to go, any good indie/shoegaze clubs, must see design stores, some gigs at the time, markets etc etc. Send me a mail please. eric@apt.no
Webby Awards Nominees 2008 »
Mitchell Paone rocks your socks off »
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