Popface - New Album (*****shotgun*****)
Saturday, February 25, 2006

Norways only shoegazer extravaganza and superior live act Popface released a new mindblowing album today. It is available online. Cover artwork by the always fabulous Rune Mortensen
Playing live on Blå, Oslo Thursday 23.February. Joy!
Popface, Eleven Pieces Of A Broken Heart >
Marian Bantjes and Decorationism

Often, designers take pride in form follows function, where we strip away the ornamental and illustrative. This helps communication. Or so it seems. But can’t ornament be communicative? And what about the cultural and anthropological value of ornament? I was reading about decorationism over at the excellent SpeakUp when I stumbled upon Marian's portfolio. Contains several projects with Stefan Sagmeister. She has also written a bunch of really good articles published over there. Well this was the thread > and these were the comments >
And here is the work >
And finally, here is a movie of Denise Gonzales lecture on the DecoRational >
- Susan said...
I really like your writing style, good info , thankyou for putting up. The official Celebrity birthdays Android app features all of today's popular celebrities including actors, singers, and social media stars.
The Flying Luxury Hotel
Friday, February 24, 2006

I can't wait to have a glass of chilled chablis in this beauty when its finished. It will ferry pampered passengers across continents and oceans in 175 mph as they stroll leisurely about the one-acre cabin or relax in their well-appointed staterooms. This and heaps of other cool stuff over at the Coolhunter >
Mark Verhaagen, Rotterdam (*****)
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Immensely talented Mark Verhaagen. Make sure to visit his paintings as well, he deserves it after spending 24 months on the textures only fueled by noodle soup.
Way to go Mark >
Candymag - Obsessive Impulsive Issue (***hot***)
Monday, February 20, 2006

You might as well stop working now, cause this will keep you occupied for the rest of the day. Candymag is out with a new sweet release. Thank you Richard Seabrooke! And why is this the ultimate surfing experience you ask.... because it is not in a browser and it has 217 high quality pages in proper pdf format. Put the kettle on and start downloading the chunk.
More inspiration than you can shake a big stick at.. Candymag >
Book of Numbers
Sunday, February 19, 2006

All fun and personal just like in the good o´l days. Propitious use of sound. Made by Bubblynumbers
The Book of Numbers >
In the habit - Tiziana Haug
Friday, February 17, 2006

Swiss, blond and very very talented. Pay another polite visit and learn from the itGirl on how to strut your stuff.
In the habit >
Hydro 74 - Joshua Smith (*****)
Thursday, February 16, 2006

I hope you keep up to date on what main man Joshua is up to, or I'll have to whop your skinny ass.
Hydro74 blog, now and then > & Hydro74 permanent home >
Dior Spring Season 06
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New season with sexy imagery and overpriced lingerie. But this website is such a stayer.
Dior fashion >
Sharing good. Not sharing bad (*****)
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Ahhhh...these are so incredible sweet. The sandwich one made me wet myself. (Reminds you of someone Mette?) Four superb animated shorts for Skype. [via frenchnfresh]
See them all here >
- frozentoy said...
I was browsing through my stats as I was stoked they'd passed 30 000 yesterday. Visiting the last 2 visitors (probably not visiting for design or shoegaze) I found these two for comparison; quite strange and quite sad really: (The thinner the winner! You can never be too rich or too thin.Hunger hurts but starving works ...Good luck to you Dinomunch my dear visitor n# 30 000!)
following this one:
http://pa-is-a-perv.blogspot.com/ - said...
Fantastisk altså :)
Vil se mer - said...
Cuuuute. Best thing I have seen on the net so far this year. Fantastic.
_NICO_ - said...
Yeah these rock. Wonder who made em - anyone?????
Opera - said...
So simple so sweet. u have a good blog and a scary face ;}
- said...
those films where awesome!
- said...
O o he is so sweet I could eat him for breakfast. What a wonderful campaign.
Webesteem - issue 15 (***top notch***)
Friday, February 10, 2006

It's heeereee, my very favourite website launches issue n#15 - drippin´ as always. One day I'll be featured on this site and it will be the end of a miserable life in front of a computer and my mom will start crying and I will retire and the US will have a new president. Until that day....
Gooooooo >
New releases \\ Placebo + South //

On 13 March Virgin Records will release Placebo’s new album, ‘Meds’
The new album from 'South' - Adventures In The Underground Journey To The Stars - is set for release on April 4th 2006. So now you know!
National Television (*****)

It is quite rude to relaunch without telling Frozie, but I'll let it pass for this time. Because its National. And the Virgin work is supertight.
National Television >
Daysleepers, NYC
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Just got a mail from Jeff telling me about his mighty fine shoegazer act Daysleepers. Layers upon layers of shimmering guitar effects. Beautiful male/female vocals that drift in and out of thick walls of sound.
Oh, while I'm at it - I cant believe I missed this: Slowdive in web !!!! I promise to lock myself up down in the dark basement with no food for a week. Also Slowdive's "Some Velvet Morning" is right here if you only got the european version of the greatest album ever released.
AND - if you are living in London (lucky *ucks) make sure to check out SONIC CATHEDRAL > Alan McGee!! plays a set after the show.
Ah - Dont forget about the Daysleepers now > and then spend some ca$h >
Interview: Low - Pitchfork Media
Monday, February 06, 2006

Alan Sparhawks from Low speaks out after his nervous breakdown last year.
Low interview over at the fork >
Russian Futurists - Our thickness (*****)
Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hart's third LP, Our Thickness, is an exuberantly echoing starburst of lo-fi twee-pop gone grand, an opulent boudoir popera for the Taj Mahal. A crashfest of cheapo synths, poppity drums, and spun-sugar vocals…It's an IMAX epic shot on Super8 and projected onto a bed sheet, a sumptuous coronation parade in a snowglobe, a theme park made of Tinker Toys… postage-stamp epics, majestic in miniature. Buy now!!!
Music for the upper class >
Edvard Scott
Friday, February 03, 2006

I'm sick to death of making and looking at webpages myself, but Edvard Scott is a soothing experience.
Studio de Edvard >
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